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Your way from the airports...

  • TEGEL:

TXL > Brandenburger Tor > Botanischer Garten

Take Bus TXL (Direction Mollstr./Prenzlauer Allee) to
S-Bahn station Brandenburger Tor, please change here to
S1 direction Wannsee to the S-Bahn station Botanischer Garten (ca. 50 min.)


Expressbus X9 or 109 > Zoologischer Garten,

from here see Zoologischer Garten.


SXF = Berlin Schoenefeld

SXF > Friedrichstrasse > Botanischer Garten  (nur 1x umsteigen)
The fastest way would be to take the regular train to Friedrichstrasse ( RE7 Direction: Dessau or Hauptbahnhof). There (Friedrichstrasse) please changeto S1 direction Wannsee, to "Botanischer Garten". This is also the most comfirtable way. However, the trains are not running as often as Berlins public transportation. Please note: Even though taking the train, you can use the ABC ticket of the public transportation (BVG, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe) for the train as well (as long as you are within Berlin, which is the case here).

Alternative 1:

SXF1 > Südkreuz > Schöneberg > Botanischer Garten 
Take bus SXF1 direction Südkreuz to the final station. Here take the circle line S41, only one stop to Schöneberg. From there take the  S1 direction Wannsee to Botanischer Garten.

Alternative 2:

SXF > Treptower Park > Schöneberg > Botanischer Garten

S9 (Direction. Spandau) to S Treptower Park, there:
S47/41 (Direction: Südkreuz) bis S Schöneberg, from here:
S1 (Direction: Wannsee) to S Botansicher Garten

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